Our publication summaries can be accessed here, and note that many are available for download in PDF format. You can also download a complete list of our featured publications here.
Livelihoods and Well-Being
- Analysis Shows Gaps in Understanding of Impacts of Forest Restoration on Local Livelihoods (Adams et al. 2016)
- Tropical Restored Forests as Sustainable Production Systems (Brancalion 2016)
- Private Sector, Government, NGOs and Research Organizations Formed a Coalition to Restore Forests in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Region (Brancalion et al. 2016)
- Stakeholders Describe Multiple Dimensions of Trade-offs Among Reforestation Alternatives (Lazos et al. 2016)
- The Value of Community Managed Agroforests and Second-growth Forests as Restoration Approaches (Souza et al. 2016)
- Introducing Communally Owned and Managed Reserves Enabled Smallholders to Restore Cloud Forests (Wilson 2016)
- Four Key Opportunities for Regulating Markets to Promote FLR (Brancalion et al. 2017 )
- The Restoration Literature is Diverging Despite the Need to Link Social and Ecological Perspectives (Wilson et al. forthcoming)
Local Decision-Making
- Analysis Shows Gaps in Understanding of Impacts of Forest Restoration on Local Livelihoods (Adams et al. 2016)
- How Community-based Forest Led to Rules to Protect Young Recovering Forests (Bray 2016)
- How Public-private Partnership Can Empower Communities and Improve Restoration Outcomes (Cagalanan 2016)
- Empowering Local Citizens to Make Forest Management and Restoration Decisions (Holder 2016)
- Rural Villager Association Shows Leadership, Empowerment and Inclusivity in Restoring Watersheds (Kramer & Vallarino 2016)
- Stakeholders Describe Multiple Dimensions of Trade-offs Among Reforestation Alternatives (Lazos et al. 2016)
- Strengthening Local Governance to Promote FLR (Mansourian et al. 2016)
- The Value of Community-managed Agroforests and Second-growth Forests as Restoration Approaches
- Strategies, Adaptations and Innovations for Governing Tomorrow’s Forest Landscapes (Wilson & Cagalanan 2016)
- Participatory Planning Essential for Achieving Successful Outcomes in Governing Riparian Forest Restoration (Meli and Brancalion 2017)
- The Value of Community Managed Agroforests and 2nd Growth Forests as Restoration Approaches (Souza et al. 2016)
- Exploring the Social and Ecological Trade-offs in Tropical Reforestation: A Role-Playing Exercise (Fagan and Schwartz 2019)
Planting Trees
- New Frameworks Needed to Balance Costs and Ecological Benefits of Active and Passive Forest Restoration (Brancalion et al. 2016)
- Non-native Tree Species Can Help Restore Forests in Tropical Landscapes (Catterall 2016)
- Empowering Local Citizens to Make Forest Management and Restoration Decisions (Holder 2016)
- Rural Villager Association Shows Leadership, Empowerment and Inclusivity in Restoring Watersheds (Kramer & Vallarino 2016)
- Introducing Communally Owned and Managed Reserves Enabled Smallholders to Restore Cloud Forests (Wilson 2016)
- Guiding Principles to Align Reforestation with FLR (Brancalion & Chazdon 2017)
- Implementing the National Greening Program in the Philippines: Lessons Learned (Gregorio & Herbohn 2018)
- The Critical Role of Agroforestry in Forest and Landscape Restoration (Harrison & Miccolis 2018)
- Reaping Greater Environmental Dividends from China’s Reforestation Programs (Hua 2018)
- Uneven Starting Points Complicate Comparisons of Outcomes Between Natural Regeneration and Active Forest Restoration (Reid et al. 2018)
- Restoring Rainforest Remnants: Experiences from the Anamalai Hills (Shankar et al. 2018)
- Underrepresentation of Large-seeded Species Compromises the Conservation Value of Restoration Plantations (Brancalion et al. 2018)
- The Forest Transformation: Tropical Planted Tree Cover Shows Inconsistent Regional Patterns of Gain and Loss (Sloan et al. 2019)
Natural Regeneration
- New Frameworks Needed to Balance Costs and Ecological Benefits of Active and Passive Forest Restoration (Brancalion et al. 2016)
- How Community-based Forest Led to Rules to Protect Young Recovering Forests (Bray 2016)
- Steps Towards Implementing NR as a Large-scale Restoration Approach (Chazdon & Guariguata 2016)
- Natural Regeneration of Forest Can Promote Conservation Practices and Provide Economic Benefits for Smallholders (Chazdon & Uriarte 2016)
- Similar Early Pathways of Tree Recruitment in Natural Regeneration and Tree Planting treatments (Gilman et al. 2016)
- Social and Ecological Factors are Linked to Recovery of Biodiversity During NR (Latawiec et al. 2016)
- Small-scale Agricultural Practices Promote Healthy Forest Regeneration (Martínez-Ramos et al. 2016)
- Shifting Cultivation Fallows can Contribute to the Philippine National Greening Program (Mukul et al. 2016)
- Up-scaling the Benefits of Agroforestry Through Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (Reij & Garrity 2016)
- Mammal Populations Recover in Regenerating Forests in Kibale National Park, Uganda (Omeja et al. 2016)
- The Value of Community Managed Agroforests and 2nd Growth Forests as Restoration Approaches (Souza et al. 2016)
- Beyond the Biophysical: The Potential for NR Depends on Socio-Economic, Political, and Regulatory Factors (Uriarte & Chazdon 2016)
- Returning Forests, Often Ignored and Undervalued, Play an Increasingly Important Role in Climate Change Mitigation and Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Landscapes (Chazdon 2017)
- Multiple Benefits of Spontaneous and Assisted Regeneration of Forests Come at Significantly Lower Costs than Planted Forests (Chazdon et al. 2017)
- Leadership, Environmental Context, and Governance Affect Persistence of Restored Ecosystems (Reid et al. 2017)
- Leveraging Nature’s Potential can Increase Cost-effectiveness of Large-scale forest Restoration (Molin et al. 2018)
- Uneven Starting Points Complicate Comparisons of Outcomes Between NR and Active Forest Restoration (Reid et al. 2018)
- Many Secondary Forests Die young in Southern Costa Rica (Reid et al. 2019)
- Understanding Contexts Where Secondary Forests Persist in Latin America (Schwartz et al. forthcoming)
- Natural Regeneration Shifts into Reverse Gear in Latin America and the Caribbean (Schwartz et al. 2020)
Tree Cover Change
- Forests on a Treadmill: Native Forests Lose Ground to Monoculture Plantations (Rudel et al. 2016)
- Viewing Forest Transition Outcomes through the Lens of Ecosystem Services (Wilson et al. 2017)
- Diverse Contexts Explain Clusters of Expanding Forest Cover in Latin America (Nanni et al. 2019)
- Forest Transitions throughout the Ages: Recent Forest Transitions are Often Actively Planned and Rapidly Implemented (Rudel et al. 2019)
- The Forest Transformation: Tropical Planted Tree Cover Shows Inconsistent Regional Patterns of Gain and Loss (Sloan et al. 2019)
- Multiple Interlinked Factors Drive Forest Recovery in the Andes (Aide et al. forthcoming)
- The Novelty of Forest Recovery (Sloan, forthcoming)
Climate Change
- In the Fight Against Climate Change, Reforestation Can do More than We Think (Locatelli et al. 2015)
- How will Climate change Influence Forest Recovery (Uriarte et al. 2016)
- Forest Transitions throughout the Ages: Recent Forest Transitions are often Actively Planned and Rapidly Implemented (Rudel et al. 2019)
Holistic Vision
- Tropical Restored Forests as Sustainable Production Systems (Brancalion 2016)
- New Frameworks Needed to Balance Costs and Ecological Benefits of Active and Passive Forest Restoration (Brancalion et al. 2016)
- Getting Help from Above: Enlisting Drones to Assist Natural Regeneration and Forest Restoration (Elliott 2016)
- The Value of Community Managed Agroforests and 2nd Growth Forests as Restoration Approaches (Souza et al. 2016)
- Beyond the Biophysical: the Potential for NR Depends on Socio-Economic, Political, and Regulatory Factors (Uriarte & Chazdon 2016)
- Four Key Opportunities for Regulating Markets to Promote FLR (Brancalion et al. 2017 )
- Innovations to Bridge the Gap Between Knowledge and Action in Restoration (Brancalion & Melis 2017)
- Viewing Forest Transition Outcomes Through the Lens of Ecosystem Services (Wilson et al. 2017)
- Interactions Among Scientists, Policy-makers, and Practitioners are Urgently Needed to Align Efforts to Restore Ecological Functions and Integrity to Forest Landscapes (Chazdon 2018)
- Ecological Restoration in a Changing Biosphere (Reid and Aronson 2017)
- Practical Guidelines Aid in Setting Global Restoration Targets in the Lowland Most Tropics (Brancalion et al. 2019)
- A Novel Restoration Prioritization Approach to Save One of the Most Threatened Ecosystems on Earth (Strassburg et al. 2019)
- The Restoration Literature is Diverging Despite the Need to Link Social and Ecological Perspectives (Wilson et al. forthcoming)
Guiding Principles
- Forest Definitions Influence Approaches and Outcomes of Reforestation (Chazdon et al. 2016)
- Dialogue Between Scientists and ppolicy Makers to Develop Vision and Vocabulary for FLR (Chazdon & Laestadius 2016)
- Guiding Principles to Align Reforestation with FLR (Brancalion & Chazdon 2017)
- A Research Agenda to Bridge Gaps in Knowledge and Know-how to Implement FLR (Chazdon et al. 2017)
- Practical Guidelines Aid in Setting Global Restoration Targets in the Lowland Most Tropics (Brancalion et al. 2019)
- A Transformative Criteria and Indicators Framework Anchored in the FLR Principles Can Bring Many Benefits to Actors and Different Sectors Involved in Restoration (Sloan et al. 2019)